增删改查 create table 表名(); insert into 表名(字段名1, 字段名2) values (‘更改值1’, ‘更改值2’); update 表名 set 字段名1 = ‘xxx’, 字段名2 = ‘xxx’ where 限制条件(如stuid = 2); delete from 表名 where 限制条件; select 字段名1, 字段名2 from 表名 where 限制条件; truncate 表名; delete from 表名; drop table 表名;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 # 新建表格 CREATE TABLE student( stuid int not null auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,# 非空 自增 主键 stuname VARCHAR (200 ), #200 个字符 stustatus VARCHAR (100 ) ); CREATE TABLE grade( gradeid int not null auto_increment primary KEY, stuid int not null , gradecourse varchar (100 ), gradescore varchar (100 ) ); # 插入 insert into student(stuname,stustatus) values ('zhangsan' ,'Normal' )# 插入多行数据 insert into student(stuname,stustatus) values ('lisi' ,'Normal' ),('wangwu' ,'Out' ),('lcz' ,'Super' )insert into grade(stuid,gradecourse,gradescore)values (2 ,'English' ,'A' )# 删除 delete from student where stuid= 1 ;#删除表格student里stuid为1 的一行delete from student #删除student表格里面所有的数据# 修改 update student set stuname = 'lihua' ,stustatus= 'Out' where stuid= 5 ;# 查询 select * from student ;select * from student where stuid = 5 ;select stuname,stustatus from student where stuid = 5 ;select count (* ) from student;select stuname ,student.stuid ,gradescore,44 gradecourse from student, grade where student.stuid = 5 ;truncate table student;#清空数据,重置自增字段delete table student;#清空数据,不会重置自增字段drop table student;#删除表
查询进阶 使用notrhwind数据库
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 #northWind #1 、查询员工中是销售经理的人 select * from employees where Title = 'Sales Manager' #2 、查询1994 年雇用的员工 select * from employees where HireDate>= "1994-01-01"and HireDate< "1995-01-01"#3 、按工龄由大到小排列员工信息 select * from employees order by HireDate;#从小到大 select * from employees order by HireDate DESC ;#4 、查询家住London的员工 select * from employees where City= 'London' ;#5 、查询还没有标明地区的员工 select * from employees where Region is NULL ;#6 、按以下格式查询家住Seattle的员工并按降序排列name字段 # employeeId name= firstName lastName '他的职务是' Title address city select employeeID,concat(FirstName,' ' ,LastName) name,Title ,Address,City FROM employees where city = 'Seattle' order by name DESC ;#7 、查询50 年代出生的员工并按员工编号排序 select * from employees where BirthDate< '1960-01-01' and BirthDate>= '1950-01-01' order by EmployeeID #8 、查询50 年代出生的并在1993 年被雇用的员工并按雇用年限由小到大排序 select * from employees where BirthDate< '1960-01-01' and BirthDate>= '1950-01-01' and HireDate>= '1993-01-01' and HireDate< '1994-01-01' order by HireDate desc ;#9 、查询employees中不在‘London’、’ Seattle’、’ Tacoma’居住的员工。(northWind) select * from employees where City not in ('London' ,'Seattle' ,'Tacoma' )#10 、查询员工名字中最后一个字母是t的员工 select * from employees where FirstName like '%t' #11 、查询员工名字中以A开头的员工 select * from employees where FirstName like 'A%' #12 、查询员工头衔中不以S开头的员工并按firstName排序 select * from employees where Title not like 'S%' order by FirstName #13 、查询住在London或者Seattle的员工 select * from employees where City= 'London' or City= 'Seattle' ;select * from employees where City in ('London' ,'Seattle' );#14 、查询lastName中或者有A或者有x的员工 select * from employees where LastName like '%A%' or LastName like '%k%' # 查询1996 -7 哪个员工,和哪个公司在哪个日期 签订了哪些订单(northwind : orders,employees, customers) select e.EmployeeID,concat(FirstName,' ' ,LastName) name ,CompanyName,OrderIDfrom orderdetails o,employees e,customers cwhere e.EmployeeID = o.EmployeeID and o.CustomerID= c.CustomerID and = order by # 查询订单编号为10253 的订单中所定产品的名称、单价、数量(northwind : order details,products) # 查询订单编号为10254 的订单是哪个员工签订的(northwind : orders,employees) # 查询订单编号为10255 的订单日期、员工姓名、客户公司名称(northwind : orders,employees,customer) # 查询客户公司名称为“Around the Horn“在1997 -11 月份的订单(northwind : orders,customer)
常用函数 字符串函数 时间函数 计算函数 Regex正则 多表查询 C#对数据库操作